With the acquisition of Valiant Comics in 2018, an unexplored universe awaits movie-goers around the world. After considerable investments in next-gen AR/VR technology and various intellectual properties, DMG will entertain audiences using constantly evolving storytelling methods.ĭMG Entertainment understands that telling existing stories in new ways is one of the most satisfying forms of entertainment. Bigger and better things wait on the horizon for DMG. In the past, DMG has produced films such as Looper, Iron Man 3, and a stunning new 3D rendition of Terminator 2. With a blend of both cinematic vision and financial power, this Beverly Hills-based entertainment and media company is capable of handling the most ambitious entertainment projects. DMG Entertainment is a respected name in the entertainment industry after producing some of the most well-known motion pictures.
DMG Entertainment brings stories to life through the creation of films, TV, gaming, comic books, next-gen technology and more.